Our Story
I am a cancer survivor. Today I am a mother, wife, Senior Medical Science Liaison at Tersera, and on a mission to help children with cancer. My mother was my best friend, confidant, and strongest supporter. Shortly thereafter, she heard the terrible news “You have Cancer”. Through chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery she won the fight against breast cancer. Several months following remission – on Christmas Eve we received the most devastating news of all… the chemotherapy she received that cured her breast cancer caused an extremely rare cancer called Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML). The doctor informed my family that she had a few months to live inclusive of a very intense treatment plan. We only had four short months together. During her final weeks, I made a promise to her that I would devote my life to help support others overcome cancer and then laid my mom to rest.
After graduating from the University of A&M, I served 10 years as a Pediatric Oncology Nurse in the rare cancer unit at Texas Children's Hospital. After watching my patients suffer through many financial struggles I noticed something consistent that many families face in regards to transportation. The cost to park in the medical center is $18 per day with no in/out access. Therefore, the accrual cost is astronomical when a patient visits every day for chemotherapy, radiation, or followup appointments. Another barrier is the less-than-ideal public transportation system these children have access to but should not take due to their immunocompromised state. Lastly, Medicaid transportation is a resource offered to families whom utilize Medicaid insurance, but is often unreliable in pick-up times and only allows for the parent and the patient to ride. What happens if there is more than one child at home? These families are already under tremendous financial hardships and access to childcare is little to impossible for many of these parents. I began thinking…how can I help these families? Once again, the signs fell right in front of me.
One day, during my office visit with a patient by the name of Kye who recently transitioned to hospice care, I asked “Is there anything you would like to do in Houston?” He said, “I want to ride in a cool fast car, because my dad has a truck and it doesn’t go as fast!” This seemed simple enough – let’s make this child’s last wishes and dreams come true! Kye was able to experience his Dream Ryde in a red Lamborghini. This was the last day I saw the “sparkle” in Kye’s eyes and knew that this dream couldn’t die with Kye. This was the moment I knew Dream Rydes must come to life! Dream Rydes is a non-profit organization offering a full day dream experience for kids battling cancer. They choose their Dream Ryde -car, boat, helicopter, or plane coupled with a one day dream experience.
We have partnered with local car clubs, McLaren Festival, McLaren Houston, IX Exotics, Freedom Supercars, and Garage Ultimate, and Team Savage to provide the entire family with a day they will never forget! All proceeds and donations collected through private sponsors, events, and personal donations are aimed to specifically aid in providing transportation services to families to ensure their children can get the care they so desperately need.
I continue my work in clinical research Tersera and strive everyday to help find a cure to this vicious disease.In the meantime I will provide transportation for no child to be left behind in the battle against cancer.
Danielle Kuban-Johnston
Founder, President, and Chairman of Dream Rydes